the smart car key system

2018-04-18 04:11:32

Ongoing Progress

The car key has been evolving at an exponential rate over the last few decades. From the traditional, metal key to the smart key to mobile apps, the means of operating your car are continuously improving. These days, the car key resembles more of an electronic gadget than a typical key. The arrival of the transponder key in the 1990s was a milestone in the automotive industry. Only a few years after, though, the more sophisticated smart key came into existence. You may wonder: What is a smart car key and how does it function? This article will give you a basic knowledge of the smart car key, so read on to learn more about this innovative system.

The Smart Car Key

Siemens introduced the first smart key in the mid-1990s, "Smartkeys", which Mercedes-Benz introduced in 1997 to replace the infrared system. This innovation featured an advanced access and authorization system, allowing remote entry and keyless operation. Moreover, the smart car key featured control buttons that allow remote operation of the vehicle.

How The Smart Key Functions

The smart car key operates using radio waves. The key transmits signals to antennas installed on the car's body. When the antennas detect the right code, you gain access to your car. Most vehicles using this system allow you to start the engine in one of two ways:

  • Push to start button
  • The typical turning of the key inside the keyway
The smart car key usually has a spare key, either in the form of traditional key or a blade concealed inside the key body. Car locking works by a push of a button or by standing at a certain distance from the vehicle.

Smart Key Pros & Cons


1) Convenience. The smart key allows keyless unlocking of car doors, which is useful when you carrying grocery bags, for example. 2) Security. The smart key emits an encrypted code, which changes after each usage. Consequently, it's extremely difficult to replicate the key, improving the protection against auto theft. 3) Customisation. You can now store and retrieve your seat, mirrors, and steering wheel preferences with a smart key. Some models even offer multiple memory slots for different divers.


1) Distraction. With a smart key, leaving your car running unknowingly is not uncommon, which may lead to severe consequences if the car is parked in a closed garage. 2) Cost. Replacing a lost or damaged smart key is expensive. Often, it will cost you a few hundred pounds to get a replacement from a car dealership.


Certainly, the smart key's benefits exceed its disadvantages. The innovative system offers better security, features enhanced functions, and provides more convenience than older car key systems. Car keys will continue to evolve, probably to a point when you won't need a physical key to operate your car. Mobile apps, fingerprint identification, and other technologies might soon replace the car key as we know it now.